Narratives On Cuba: Semblances of Colour: Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes): 10-NS-Cuba-ALO

There are always limitations, always feeling limited by something, mostly, time and money. Yet without these limitations, perhaps we would not appreciate what we have, or learn how to make do with what we have, or appreciate the small surprises that exist when knocking on one’s door. It was only yesterday when I photographed Enmanuel with the hatchling he was holding in his hand – another moment, another lucid dream. Walking into their home, I soon discovered a baby chicken as their new pet, another bird, and only to fear that at some point, it will become their dinner. A thought that seems unconceivable to some, but a reality that is experienced day in and day out. Leyanni gives the bird her love and affection as well as Hamilie, Enmanuel, and Kaylie.
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