Narratives On Cuba: Black, White, and Things: Escalaras
Escalaras is a body of work, separating mothers from their sons, fathers from their daughters, and lovers from their passions. They are separated by geography and portals of one's mind - corridors of light and dark, elevate, as every solitary step becomes a companion. The rotting wood or crumbling cement beneath your feet are steps of faith, like each breath we give and receive, another moment to realize we are alive, another moment to sense the elements which sustain our well-being. Stairs, built by people and previous civilizations, who connect us with the past and our civilaztions of the present, yet they will never know of their accomplishments, which laid the foundation for us all. For those who are brave enough to step foot, to elevevate their souls to new hieghts, the escalaras in Cuba are steps only committed by those who have faith and are faithful to the unknown.